LIVING IN PEACE WITH THE BEASTS: Let’s About Hebrews 12:14 NIV (Copy)

© Photo Credit: @karsten116

© Photo Credit: @karsten116

Good afternoon my beautiful people! First off I want to apologize for missing yesterday’s blog. I didn’t feel well since I pulled an all nighter two times trying to do other sorts of work but now I’m back. Today we are going to be talking about Hebrews 12:14 NIV. It states: Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord. This is another simple verse we all can apply to. Let’s begin with the value of having peace with yourself.

The Value of inner peace

Imagine waking up in the morning as the sun rises and beamed through your large windows in front of your master bedroom. A nice warm ultralight radiating on your face. Through it, you can see the crystal clear blue ocean and white sandy beach. Mountains sitting far in the distance with pure bliss. So beautiful and serene, you got up and opened the windows to let the warm breeze through. There, you feel at peace within yourself. You closed your eyes and smile as two beautiful Blue Jays passed by. What another beautiful day in St. Lucia. (Or Seychelles perhaps, or whatever you imagine.) Your’e dancing and, singing your favorite song to replenish your soul. 🎵 La La La La La! 🎵 That would be a great sense of inner peace. However, all of that can be a temporary feeling. The next day the beautiful crystal blue water, sandy landscape, and beautiful mountains in the background are still there, but your inner peace is not. Maybe because you got into a huge argument with your spouse yesterday for the millionth time, you have an ongoing rivalry with one of your old friends and family members, or you just have a bitter past of where everyone would take advantage of your kindness. Whatever the case may be, it’s the very reason why we don’t have inner peace. People starts to see the bitterness and the need to start drama so that they can bring them down to their level. There are times when we want others to feel the pain we’re feeling. It’s all about trying to prove a point on how or why the pain shouldn’t only be inflicted to the chosen ones. We’d like to think everyone deserves the pain no matter who. It’s the demons in our spirits making us think or feel this way. God wants us to suffer or go through trails and tribulations so that it can teach us a great deal of humility and optimize our faith, but He doesn’t want us to inflict pain onto others. That is considered sin in God’s eyes because the demons in our spirits control the hate, bitterness, jealously, and anger. ‘See to it that no one falls short of the grace of God and that no bitterness grows up to cause trouble, and defile many.’ This verse Hebrews 12:15; the the verse that comes right after the one we’re discussing about. It may be easy to have our own peace, but are we sharing it with others?

No one will see the lord unless..

Everyday we want to feel good about ourselves. We want to go to bed at night with a peaceful mind thinking about the good day we had. However, like mentioned in the previous paragraph, we still have on-going rivalry with one of our old buddies or unresolved issues with our loved ones. We don’t seem to care about trying to mend the ordeals we have with them. We have no sense of empathy or compassion, therefore we can never have peace with them. To have empathy is to have love and to have compassion is to have love as well. They go hand in hand. Whatever the situation is, we have to do our best to resolve it. If the situation or drama seems impossible to resolve, then we’ll never have peace. To have peace with others, other than yourself is to have forgiveness in our hearts. I rephrase that. Having peace with the people we meet is essentially the backbone act of valor and forgiveness. When we have peace, we can always forgive with ease. It’s the Holy Spirit that dwells in our very hearts to do so, and we have to remember that God wants us to get along with everyone no matter who. Now realistically, this world will never have peace with each other since everyone wants to inflict pain unto others and be in the position of power. Position of power to get everything they ever wanted so if they became the boss or CEO of their company, they would only focus on money, nothing else. They wouldn’t care about their employees and underpay them or something. Therefore, the employees would have no peace with the CEO. I’m going to go ahead and say this, a lot of people that work at Amazon has no peace with the founder, Jeff Bezos. They say he is manipulative and a totalitarian to his staffs, so therefore he has no peace with them. There are tons of sources to explain Jeff Bezos’ disreputable character. However, here’s one link to back up this claim : . Now, I didn’t come here to bash on the man himself, but I was using him as an example as to why he doesn’t have peace with the people that works for him. I’m not promoting against him so you can go ahead and buy that lovely dress or shoes for yourself on Amazon now. Haha. Anyway, if you’re were to be the CEO, you have to not gain the whole world and lose your soul (According to Mark 8:36.) To do that is to be bound with a life of no peace with others. People will vehemently resent you for how you treat them and your reputation wouldn’t be great. I’m not saying you won’t have peace when you make tons of money, but I’m saying to watch how you treat people and make sure that your’e at peace with them. Not everyone is going to like you, that’s okay but at least be kind to others even if they take advantage of your kindness. This is because you have a great understanding of what it means to be holy and that is someone who lives a life of peace. No bad name calling, no haughty eyes, no judgement on others and no hate or anger. We can have peace for ourselves by enjoying the oceanic scenery or make a lot of money like Jeff Bezos, but we have to make to sure share the spiritual and mental peace to others. Otherwise we’re being selfish with the Holy Spirit. According to Hebrews 12:15, no one will see the Lord, unless we give peace to others and be holy. So let’s have peace and be holy!

If you love God, you’d have peace with everyone, even if they don’t give it to you in return. It’s all about equanimity. Purify your body, mind, and spirit with the simple ingredient of PEACE.

Feel free to leave your thoughts, comments, or questions below,

Peace and Love

© Photo Credit: Karsten Winegeart/ @karsten116


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