SET YOUR HEART TO CHRIST: Let’s talk about Colossians 3:1 NIV
© Photo Credit: @frankiefoto
Good afternoon my beautiful people! It’s the first day of March and being in New Jersey, I can’t wait for springtime. It’s actually my favorite season of the year because of the wonderful breeze, blossomed Goldenrod flowers, and cool tank tops to wear. I don’t actually wear tank tops but that’s besides the point. It’s a new month and it’s time for a new verse for us to discuss about. In the third chapter of Colossians, the first line states: Since then, you have been with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. This is straightforward but I want to break down the importance of keeping our heart with Christ once we found Him in our lives. I’ll begin with The Day We Found Christ in the next paragraph below.
The day we found Christ
We all fall short of the Glory of God and we’re all in need of salvation from Him. The world is so vile and cruel, and we’re all accustomed to it. Evil begat evil and we should held accountable for it. However, some of us may even be the kindest people to ever grace the earth but that doesn’t mean we found Christ. As kind as some of us are, we’re still on our way to Hell. That is because some of us don’t believe Jesus to be the official right hand of God. They think God is the ONLY being that we should attain to. In fact, some of us believe Jesus was a just a Holy Man that set example as to who we should be; nothing more. They don’t even believe He was an actual Son of God sent from Heaven. Just an ordinary man who shouldn’t be acknowledged as the ONLY BEGOTTEN SON of God. Unfortunately, some of the kindest people shrug it off when it comes to The Son. So kind and loving, yet no Jesus in their hearts. I’ve actually met some of them, and it breaks my heart as I did my best to help them be on the right path. Some of us don’t even believe in Jesus at all and time is running out as they’re on their way to the lake of fire. Have you been to Hell Tachief? No, I haven’t, but I’ve constantly seen visions of demonic spirits in my sleep when I was staying at a demonically possessed house last year. I was super terrified and God was telling me what I’ve seen wasn’t, I repeat, wasn’t even a glimpse of Hell. Not even a tip of the iceberg. Far far away from the endless pits of great despair, here we are standing on earth above the circus of pure wickedness. And they say the world is evil. Hmm, not like Hell though. We do not want to go into that kind of deep. I was told it reeks of burning sulfur and rotten eggs. Inextinguishable flames just burning all over your body for eternity. It’s so scary because I can’t even imagine that it’s actually much more indescribable than what I’ve just typed. The fact we can’t even imagine what Hell is like, makes it so scary because if we COULD imagine how scary it is, we’d be able to vulgarize it. By vulgarize, I mean we would be able to downplay the scariness of Hell. However we cant. We can’t imagine at all as I mentioned it’s not even a tip of the iceberg. Some of the scariest movies ever filmed on earth don’t even match the realism of Hell. That’s why God wants us to find Jesus Christ and accept Him as our Lord and Savior of this world. I’ll give you the famous verse to John 3:16: For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. The only begotten son is Jesus Christ of course. Now that we’ve discussed this, I hope today is the day we found CHRIST.
Set your heart on things above
As we discussed about the importance of finding Jesus Christ, I’d like to talk about materialism and the ways of this world. It’s a common thing for us to want something of extrinsic value. We’d love to have diamonds from BVLGARI, clothes from Gucci and Balenciaga, own a Bentley or Ferrari and more. Regarding to our our taste, there’s so much extravagant stuff we focus on and we ignore God’s presence. I’m not saying we can’t own these things since we either work hard for it or receive it as a gift, but we have to be fully aware of what’s more valuable than any of that: setting your heart on Christ. To be honest, as I was trying to find the words to use for the name brands above, I ended up browsing for an hour on their official sites. I got a little carried away and forgot to even finish this paragraph. Don’t laugh. I can feel you’re shaking your head at me saying ‘Shame on you Tachief’. Just kidding. Anyway, even though I’m not perfect, I do set my heart on Christ. I hope you do too because to live like Christ is to live in peace and not worry about trying to impress your peers with Gucci or Bentleys. Oftentimes we feel the need to one up each other with brands and statuses so that we can rule the world. This is due to televisions and social media. It corrupts our minds and drain us from understanding the meaning of true value. Entertainment and leisures are well needed since it gives us balance in our hard work. God understands that as He said to enjoy the fruits of your labor. However too much entertainment will not only rot our brains but it could rot our hearts. Therefore no Christ to be found in our life. They didn’t have televisions and social media back in the biblical days of Abraham and so forth, but they had their own form of entertainment. And they were all turning their backs on God, feeling whatever they possessed were something of great value. So they say. It may be difficult for some of us to have Christ in our hearts since we got ‘everything’ we ever wanted. (Quote, unquote.) Now, I’m not trying to be preachy (or maybe I am, forgive me) but loving things of this world is like selling out on God. In fact, it’s selling out to the devil and that’s what the wicked spirit wants. He want us to turn our backs on Christ and forget about how important it is to live like we’re meant to live. Holy and humbled. God gave us free will, and most of us chose materialism and ways of this world over Him. The reason why I mentioned some of the name brands above is because they are brands of high statuses but holds no true value. They depreciates, and we would have to waste money and buy more. God the Father, The Son, and the Holy Spirit are our true wealth. Free wealth for us to have. We don’t even have to earn it, we just have to ask for it. Ask and you shall receive-Matthew 7:7. Thus of course only when we set our heart on things above, like CHRIST.
Now, where’s your heart set at? Are you ready to accept Jesus and know you’d be much wealthier than anything in this world?
Feel free to leave your thoughts, comments, or questions below,
Peace and Love
© Photo Credit: Frank Mckenna / @frankiefoto