THE BOOK TO EVERLASTING LIFE: Let’s talk about John 5:24 kjv
© Photo Credit: @aows
Welcome back and good afternoon my beautiful people! It’s the 5th day of March and I’m feeling that as springtime is approching, it may kill off all of the viruses we have had to endure for the entire year. Only God knows when it will end. I hope you guys are all safe and well through it and that we have God’s Words in our minds and hearts. This leads to the new verse of the day and it states: ‘Verily truly I tell you, whoever hears my word, and believes Him who sent me has eternal life and will not be judged but has crossed over from death to life.’ Essentially, this means whoever believes in God and believe in the Word of the Bible shall be given an everlasting life. Let’s begin with Believing His Existence. After all it’s the first step to following His Word.
Believing His existence
Before we can even follow and obey any of His words, we have to believe in the fact that He does exist. He is omnipresent meaning He is everyone we can imagine. He is always there and watching us, recording every little detail of our actions and words. Every little facet of our feelings, thoughts, and imaginations, He is aware of it. ‘Well, can we physically see Him with our own eyes Tachief? The answer is, no we cannot. He is too powerful and sovereign that we can’t even look into His face. In fact, He is so powerful, being in His presence would force us to bend down on both knees and bow our heads in reverence. He is not a physical being. He is the Supreme Being with more eyes than we can count. He is not the old man with the cool and long white beard we seen in Michelangelo paintings and such. No. He is the PUREST LIGHT. His spiritual presence and light is infinitely brighter than any of the lights we have on this earth. That LED light on your phone screen? Not as bright as Him. That bright dining room fixtures of yours? Not even close. Those full beam headlights on your new BMW? Nah, forget about it. My point is, He is so powerful that His spiritual LIGHT cannot even be looked into, with our eyes. Sure, we can squint our eyes to see the sun, look at it for a few seconds and turn our heads away. With God, we can’t even squint our eyes. We’d have to bow our heads immediately to even get some sight of His presence. That’s how powerful or omnipotent He is. Omnipotent means to have unlimited power. Since He IS omnipotent, nothing is impossible with Him. (Luke 1:37) All of His burdens are light (double entendre), and He wants us all to know that He is here to wipe out any enduring problems we have ever had, with ease. He wants us to know there is only one God and that other deities or idols should not be worshipped. He is not here to boss us around with such pride, but He is here to give us His eternal love and instructions to live a righteous life. One who lives a righteous life through Him will have an everlasting life. There are many different religions and denominations because it’s meant to confuse us with the real Lord of the Heavens. I’ll repeat this with my heart, there is only one God. The sovereign yet loving God who watches us with so much tendering care, as we go through the hardships in life. The one and only God who makes sure we’re all staying in great measure of patience and virtue as long we believe He is here.
Believing the good book of life
Now that you and I may acknowledge the God of Abraham and the God of all living things, we may now believe in the Good Book. Sounds simple right? However with most people, they know the term Bible, but they don’t know the Bible. They don’t know the Bible is all of God’s prophetic words and even if they do, they don’t read it and apply it to their daily lives. That’s why people are mentally and spiritually struggling. They seem to not be able to find the silver-lining to every situation they encounter. They may not be rich in finances but they could be rich in heart by reading the bible. They may not be well loved or cared for by the people around them, but they’ll definitely understand God’s immense love for them, by reading the bible. They may not have a good life since they’re homeless and living out in the street in the freezing cold, but they may have an everlasting life in their mind and spirit, by reading the bible. Anything they go through, the bible can help cure them. Mentally and spiritually. If you say your’e a Christian and a true man or woman of God, then you and I have a duty to help lead those people to the Good Book. It’s contains all of God’s answers and in poetic way that flows beautifully with every facet of life that is happening now. He is the prophetic Word and the Light to our darkness and He wants us to rely on Him every way we can. The Holy Father who created us into His image wants us have an everlasting life like any parents would. Again this is simple to understand, yet not many will see the Light. I’ll quote one verse to back up this claim: ‘Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it’-Mattew 7:13 NIV. I’ll try to give a short example of this verse. Porn is sin. It’s literally covenanting with the demons. Every moment we enjoy watching it, we are gravitating our spirits more and more to satan. It corrupts our minds by how we view the opposite sex daily and it defiles our souls to oblivion. Yet it is free and anyone can have access to it, through their smartphones or computers. We would think it’ not sin since it gives us sensual pleasures and it’s harmless. Sin is suppose to make you feel good, it’s a form of deception. So is drinking tons of alcohol to diffuse your depression and whatnot. So is gluttony, so is living the life of care-freeness and such. So there, the gate is wide and free for anyone to attain to. It’s a trick to get us all into destruction known as hell. Lust is one 7 deadly sins according to traditional churches of all denominations. It’s a capital sin and while there are many other sins that may not be as big as this one, it ALL leads to the path of destruction. That’s why the gate is narrow because God’s will to give us salvation is free yet precious. He wouldn’t want the gate to Heaven to be wide because then there is no purpose of learning what is life and discipline. A discipline to always remain holy and and faithful. It’s His way of shaping our trust towards Him. Another words, we’d have to walk by faith and not by sight to get through the narrow gate. Indulging into porn and other type of sins is like walking by sight. What we see is what we get; it’s FREE and deadly for everyone to have access to. With the narrow gate, the price to enter is simply BELIEVING and following the Word. Not pricy huh? So it’s kinda like a metaphor but then not really. It’s literally choose the wide ( path to destruction) or the narrow(path to everlasting life) gate in this life. Nothing more. Now, do God expects us to know every single word of the bible and memorize them? Even though He’d like us to, He doesn’t expect us to. He just want us to know that the Bible is a sacred book to know Him more and guide us to the promising life called Heaven. It’s the official dwelling of the Lord and an everlasting kingdom of love, peace, and serenity. He wants us to have Him in His heart for where ever we go. Reading the bible and memorizing every scripture and every word is highly recommended, but having Him in your heart with at least one scripture in your mind is matters to Him the most. He knows when we’re trying our best to live by Him. So that’s all counts. Some of us bible thumpers would aggressively evangelize the lost souls, throwing every scriptures in their face and it can scare them off. We would have to be sincere and gentle with our teachings and slowly guide them to eternal life. Love and compassion is about taking time, not haughty knowledge. A life without the Good Book is a life lost.
The bible teaches us to know what’s sin and what’s not so that way we won’t be confused with the wide and narrow gate. Most of us are going to the wide gate and that’s why we as true Christians, we have to get our evangelism on and gently (not aggressively) guide them out of condemnation. Let us not try to deliberately force the bible on them with haughty eyes and such, but with love and compassion so that they can turn around and not see that wide gate ever again. Remember, God loves us all and wants us to help other guide them to believing the Good Book of Life. It’s eternally precious.
Are you ready to submit to the Lord and start believing in the Word? If you’re a true Christian, are ready to be an evangelist to our poor lost souls?
Feel free to leave your thoughts, comments, or questions below,
Peace and Love
© Photo Credit: Adrian/ @aows