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MY FIRST BLOG: Let’s talk about Proverbs 21:3 KJV

Hey my beautiful people! First off, I’d like to say thank you for visiting my first personal blog I ever posted on the net! Despite my busy schedule with the music and whatnot, I figured I’m never too busy to talk about the Word of God. As I worked hard to inspire people with my songwriting about peace and hope, I felt compelled to start this blogging site so we can open up a community of conversations!

In doing so, I’d like to inform you that this daily blogging is not for monetary gain. It is not for the ratings. It’s not for publicity or any sort of that matter. I just wanted to do this from the kindness of my heart, wishing to uplift a lost soul who desperately needs the Word of Christ. There may be a lot of topics I may address in regarding to world issues and music opinions about songs / the industry in general. However, breaking down the meaning of each bible verses and applying to each of the said verses in our daily lives, is the main objective. In the next few paragraphs, we will be talking about verse 21:3 KJV. Keep in mind, this is my first personal blog ever, so please wish me luck and try to be as patient as Job. Haha. Ahem, okay here we go.

Okay, so Proverbs 21:3 KJV states: To do justice and judgement is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice. This is pretty straightforward but I want to elaborate the meaning using one of my past stories as an example if you don’t mind. Back in 2018, I was saving up money for a high end digital camera so that I could shoot music videos and edit on an advanced software program. I promised myself not to give cash to anyone or spend it on anything else, no matter the circumstances. I was broke, and I needed to invest into something I was taught to do in college; feeling that it could really boost my career. I was $4700 short since I saved up to 300 so far. I had a little bit of food in the refrigerator and I was getting hungrier each minute but guess what? I didn’t care. I sacrificed myself to oblivion, thinking that God putting the $4700 into my bank account will soon become a reality. But then of course as always, I was facing an added-on obstacle.

Every obstacle I ever faced, I always had another one that were much bigger. This obstacle? My mother was getting evicted and needed $375 every week at a rotten motel. She would’ve stayed with me if only I had my own place. However, I didn’t, I was staying at someone else’s house at the time. I was basically aiming for a digital camera without a house. My priorities were seriously out of order. That’s what happens when you make dumb sacrifices. Now mind you, I love my mom with all my heart and soul, but I told her before I graduated college about saving up for myself no matter the circumstances. I was as stubborn as a goat. All because I wanted to be the GOAT (an acronym for GREATEST OF ALL TIME in case if you are uncultured). To be honest, even though I was devastated about my mom’s unjust situation, I was more devastated about the fact I had to give her the cash. Was it selfish of me to feel that way? Absolutely, and I know God didn’t like that since I’ve sinned on behalf of my dear mother. This was before I even got to know who God was, and I started to feel very guilty about the matter of my priorities. Right there and then, I started to cry realizing I wasn’t sacrificing for my mom but I was doing justice no matter what’s the promise to myself was. Therefore, I told God sorry and that the digital camera is not even important anymore. The fact I was truly able to acknowledge that made the Lord and myself happy.

Now in 2021 by the grace of God, my mother is doing much better and got her own place to live. All because instead of sacrificing, I did justice by helping her with the cash whenever she needed it. It was the right thing the do and the Lord knew my heart was sincere even though it wasn’t at first. All it took was a little faith and justice for the Lord to deliver His blessings. He taught me a valuable lesson on how to use my sense of judgement in every situation and I’m thankful for that. Now, did I get the digital camera? No, I didn’t. Do I need it now at this moment? No, because the right thing to do is to put faith in Him and trust His timing. I’ll get that camera whenever God says it’s time because I trust what I’m going through now is His path. And His path is always the right path to justice and judgement.

Back to Proverbs 21:3 which states and I quote, To do justice and judgement is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice. This underrated verse applied to my situation. The Lord don’t want us to sacrifice, because to sacrifice is to not be happy of the situation and He wants us to always be happy. He is saying, to have justice and judgement in your heart is be content or in peace of your feelings, and not be consumed of the disappointments. That is the underlying message of the verse and we should always take that to the heart.

Feel free to leave your thoughts, comments, or questions below,

Peace and Love