© Photo Credit: @antoinejulien
Good afternoon and welcome back my beautiful people! I hope you guys enjoyed reading the previous blogs while I was gone for another few weeks. Today we are going to talk about the scripture Ecclesiastes 7:8. It will be a very short read since I want the message to be concise and understandable for us all. (I aim to make this blogging site very short and easy to read from this day forth in order to stay on track with God’s words!) The scripture says The end of a matter is better than its beginning, and patience is better than pride. Simply put, we’ll see how this is true.
THe beginning
The beginning is a beautiful thing. It’s a start to a road of great opportunities. We can start practicing writing and publishing our first book. We can start learning to play the piano to be a professional musician for a Gospel music group or something. We can start learning to ride a dirt bike to be featured on MotorCross Sports on NBC. We can start learning to cook in order to level up with Gordon Ramsay. We can virtually start anything as a long we have the passion, the brain, and the physical ability to do so. My point is, once we start something, we get a taste of what it’s like to begin. Once we start something, either we continue, or stop the task since we’re not passionate enough. Speaking of passion, think of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. When he was brought into this world, he started something he knew he’ll finish. He fasted for 40 days and 40 nights to seek God’s guidance and instructions to spread the Gospel. Even though he was very hungry and the devil restlessly tempted him day to day in the Judaean desert, he succeeded. This is because he knew once you start something important or meaningful, you’d have to finish it, for it will be totally worth it in the end. The end so to speak, is referring to Jesus being able to teach us about the value of an everlasting life. The beginning of something is meant for us to be on our way to receiving a great a gift from God.
THE Ending
As the scripture says the end of the matter is better than the beginning, some may think the ending is referring to death and the beginning is referring to life. This is actually literal and allegorical. In a literal sense, The ending is better than the beginning because the ending is everlasting while the beginning is temporary. For example, you started a life in extreme poverty and you worked very hard with your blood, sweat, and tears to reach financial stability. Despite a slow, rocky start in the beginning, you persevere to reach great heights and become the CEO of your respective company. You thank God for allowing you to understand the importance of hard work and because of your perseverance, your’e a millionaire. This allows you to leave an everlasting legacy to your family who will inherit the fortune after you die and become CEOs of their respective companies. This shows you are selfless about your beginning to success and after your success. Now I don’t mean to spread the prosperity gospel since I would never aim to do so (The bible offers much more than just the messages about riches and prosperities) but I want us to understand that the ending is better than the beginning simply because it preserves greater values. Now in an allegorical sense, the ending is better than the beginning because it simply gives us an everlasting life to salvation. (Wait, is that actually allegorical or literal? It’s both my dears) Once we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior from, our sins and start to practice Christianity, we will not be afraid to die. This is because the ending of our existence on earth is guaranteed an everlasting life in Heaven. That again of course, is if we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior and live abundantly in Christ.
Patience Is Better Than Pride
Prideful people don’t prosper. Patient people do. Prideful people fall into temptation. Patient people don’t. While are all are equal in God’s eyes, the people who are prideful learn lessons the hard way. The people who are patient are believers in God’s timing. They don’t rush or try to foresee the future by making it happen without His guidance. They listen, and they trust the Lord’s divine plan. They know the ending is better than the beginning and it takes great wisdom to know how to walk by faith and not sight. They don’t care if they don’t see the finish line of everlasting victory yet. Again, this is because they walk by the faith of the Lord’s divine plan. The Lord purposely slows our rushing pedals because He wants us to see something that’ll teach us the meaning of life. He’ll never give us something we can’t handle, He’ll give us something that will strengthen our faith. It’s up to us on what we want to do with our faith. But He definitely want us to know that patience earns us something far greater this earth could ever provide. Thus, a spiritual immortality in an everlasting life, in a place called Heaven. That is our true home awaiting us, based on patience and trust.
Feel free to leave your thoughts, comments, or questions below,
Peace and Love
© Photo Credit: Antoine Julien / @antoinejulien