© Photo Credit: @jediyozh
Good afternoon my beautiful people! Once again, it’s been a while since I’ve posted my last blog. We are headed toward the middle of the year 2021, and I wish us all nothing but wonderful blessings. Today’s blog is going to be very short, and since I haven’t posted in a while, I hope to remain clear and concise as possible. Let’s ask the biblical question of the day: Why God Chose Israel? Read below and find out why!
Did God show favoritism to one country?
I’ll answer that for you. The short answer is no. God didn’t show favoritism to the nation of Israel. The long answer is no, because is He could’ve chose Egypt. He could’ve chose Ethiopia. He could’ve chose Italy. Greece. Lebanon. Syria. Or any country He preferred since He favors them over others. The comforting truth is, He doesn’t play favorites. Never did and never will. He love every fiber of our beings no matter who we are or what we look like, and He gives us the freedom to have the greatest relationship with Him. Whew, what a relief right? Haha. Anyway, I would like to say there are two main reasons why the Almighty God, out of all places, chose Israel.
The two reasons why He chose Israel
Now that we understand it’s not in God’s nature to play favoritism, (use Deuteronomy 7:7-8 for example) we are now about to find out the two primary reasons why He chose Israel. The first reason without a doubt is because of Abraham. While there were nations that committed national sin and disobedience towards Him including Israel, He seen prophet Abraham who was at the time, the most righteous and obedient of them all. God seen the ultimate potential in Abraham being the father of all nations (Genesis 17:5) by following His commends and Abraham fulfilled it. In another word, Abraham just happened to dwell in the West Bank, nestled in the Judaean Mountains, of Israel. Out of all places. If the most righteous and obedient man (Abraham at the time) dwelled in Egypt, or Greece, God would’ve chose either one of them. It’s simple as that. The point is, the nations didn’t matter, the person (Abraham) did. Keep in mind, God didn’t favor Abraham over others personally. He chose Abraham because he was capable of fulfilling God’s Will to birth a new world of nations. He loves everyone equally, but He will only use those who are capable of following His commends. Now the second reason why He chose Israel is rather simple. It’s to show His Glory in the most revealing form. Even though Israel has shown countless sins and disobedience, He wanted Israel to be the model nation of all nations. Every country sin and fell short of the Glory of God, but Israel birthed godly individuals like Abraham, Jeremiah, David, and so forth. Once again, God doesn’t play favorites. He loves us all dearly and equally. And He want to give us His amazing Glory to each and every one of us. In order to do that, He had to choose Israel. A nation that had the most potential to allow Him to reveal Himself in the most marvelous way imaginable.
Feel free to leave your thoughts, comments, or questions below,
Peace and Love
© Photo Credit: Eli Levit / @jediyozh